On The Floor - interview!

Είχαν κάνει πριν μερικά χρόνια αίσθηση στα goth clubs με το "killing queen" και πιθανόν αρκετοί να τους θυμάστε από αυτό το τραγούδι. Oι On The Floor μας έρχονται από το Αμβούργο της Γερμανίας, έχουν ήδη ηχογραφήσει ένα album για την Pandaimonium Records, την εταιρεία των Clan Of Xymox, και αυτή τη στιγμή ετοιμάζουν τη νέα τους δουλειά. H μουσική τους χαρακτηρίζεται μάλλον ως Gothic Rock, με έμφαση στη μελωδία και το συναίσθημα. H silencefi μπήκε στον κόπο να μας κάνει μια πρώτη γνωριμία με το συγκρότημα με τη συνέντευξη που μπορείτε να διαβάσετε πιο κάτω. Μόνο στην Αγγλική γλώσσα αυτή τη φορά, αφού τρέχουμε σε συναυλίες αυτές τις μέρες και δεν προλαβαίνουμε να μεταφράσουμε...
Hello Helge! We would like to know some kind of history about your band to know you better! So first of all I'd like to ask how and when did it all start?
André and Dennis started OTF in the late 90ies. Autodidactive and without any musical education. We've been friends then... and it was me to sing.
First it was all about meeting, taking drinks, some kind of music and the feeling that something comes into beeing.
Finally we've been able to convince Henning to play the lead guitar. A skilled guitar player and famous former porn actor... slutty and cheap.
Here we are. Walk inside!
How did you come up with the name "on the floor"?
That's a very, very dark and dirty secret that you are not supposed to know. Not yet.
What does the name mean to you?
The name means nothing to us without the content. The name as a synonym for the band however: everything!
How could you describe the music you play?
Authentic and true.
Do you agree with the people that baptise your music "gothic", or do you think that such definitions do not help to fully describe the melody and emotions your music embraces?
As a matter of course one word is not enough to describe OTFs music. The vibrations that you might find in OTFs music are complex and in someway megalomaniac.
But if people would like to cut it down to one word: we fully agree with being labled as "goth". It was us to tell them once that we are doing a "goth"-thing... and know they do believe. But as we all know, goth-people are very bad people... so we had to entice them with pop-melodies and punish them in darkest dungeons of modern sounds.
Anyway, OTF is finally based on what is in general called "gothic". We are honoured as well as we state: "goth" has its roots in punk... we consider that "goth" has to be wild and intuitive and that its ideas can only be found light-years away from what the press considers as being "goth" these days.
What inspires you? Where do you get the inspiration that you need for songwriting?
Life and to live in general. Most songs are lyrically bittersweet. A beautiful taste but always with a double bottom that makes you shiver.
So, the album "under a heart-shaped sun" is released by pandaimonium records, a dreamy and very emotional album I'd say. When I listen to it, I just want more!! What can you share with us about this release?
The aim of the album was to create timeless songs. Eight songs that make you press the repeat button. No fillers, just bullets.
We are happy that the album entered the DAC charts and that the song "killing queen" became a dancefloor filler in the clubs. The album opened some doors... and now we are on the verge of taking the plunch.
Could you tell us about the lyrics?
We try to describe our feelings in terms of images and hope that the listener associates similar feelings with these images. In this way we try to avoid the problems and missunderstandings that are immanent to language. The aim is direct communication.
I saw some new songs on your profile on myspace. Are you in the studio right now? Any plans for a new cd?
Υes, we are working on a new album.
First demo versions are done. As far as we can say by know the new stuff is more OTF than ever and more perverted and emotional harder than everything we did before.
We had some difficulties - not at least due to the lifestyle and stardust that rockmusic is aligned to - but we will be back soon with a terrific new album and save the world from all these crap and wannabe goth-bands . We want the world!
And what about concerts? you have played with some great bands like CATASTROPHE BALLET, GIRLS UNDER GLASS,ZERAPHINE, THE HOUSE OF USHER, FUNHOUSE, SCREAM SILENCE, NFD, QNTAL, CLAN OF XYMOX, DIVE. Do you have any concert plans for the summer?
Yes, we played concerts with a lot of bands that we really appreciate but currently we are very focused on the new album. Therefore we have no concrete plans at the moment, but who knows... maybe there will be some spontaneous gigs at the end of 2007.
We will let you know then... Feel free to visit us @ www.onthefloor.de.
Would you consider of coming for a live concert in Greece sometime?
Yes, of course!!! If you have the money... we are ready for the olympics (of rock).
Thank you so much for your time and that interview! I hope we will see you live soon!
Is there something you would like to say to your greek fans in postwave.gr?
Love us or leave us!
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