BBRTF - Anapterwma
Error message
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Blue Birds Refuse To Fly - Anapterwma
1.Overture / 2.House of Sex / 3.Lacrima di balena II? - The Revenge
/ 4.After dark / 5.Celebration / 6.Some roads can take you everywhere /
7.Play with me / 8.Quasi Stellar II? - Give me wings / 9.As I fall /
10.The end / 11.Love like Prison / 12.Strange little girl /
Decadence Records / 30 October 2004
A Sound, That When Heard, Might Make One Realize Him Self Either Totally Deaf, Or Totally Blind, In Mostly Any Present Situation
Lyrics That Place You In The Nostrils Of Drowning Men, Where Every
Single Bubble Of Air Released Still Reflecting The Surfaces Light,
Might Be Noticed By Some Restless Hope
Just Where Our Music Industry Today Comes To Play, Tending Out To Seem
As A Kaleidoscope Of New Releases, Scents and Fragrances Every Day,
Remains But To Acknowledge It’s Position, Just As A Finely Furnished
Collection Of Graphic Designs Over The Desks Of Their Beholders.
More Like Things Are Walking Towards Image It Seems, But That’s No Great News Then And Alas, None Of Our Subject
and to the Main Point,
listening to the cd..
The First Approach Erupts A Most Regardless Of Factors Charm
Lays Down Through Out Words As It’s Phasma Knits In All -And More Than Meets The Eye-, Colors
A New sound, Blissfully Ignorant Of All External Sidesteps That Come To
Disturb The Producing Pathway Of Today’s Composers. Then with full
awareness and knowledge of a wide variety of all musical planes that
might surround it, Finds Mastering Technical Progressions Holding The
Sound Not In Unnecessary Locations In The Journey Written In This Dream
Blue Birds Refuse To Fly,
An Dream In Invisible Ink
Not Quite For Skeptics To Realize
Invisible For Sure, and perhaps a story of a bright blue apocalypse,
yet so discordant.. (so far away) forcing the feeding hand to choose pure beauty
Clearer Than Vice, This CD, composed in 2004 by Kyriakos Poursanidis
(Main Composer For Blue Birds Refuse To Fly and Former Member of Wasteland
1990-1998) and George Dedes (former leader of Illusion Fades for more
than a decade), more than clearly is set to shine in the shelves of
record shops, as one notices every single release's light been lost in
the grand gallery of jewelcases...
not an easy thing to do these days
to remain intact that is when out there, there is bound to be a soul, a
similar victim, to whom the word is spread, as the hunt leases it self
in luck and hopefully correct timing
to make it really seem real, so hard
nevertheless what hereby is heard, is but existing,
and the artwork on the cover speaks of no joke at all, except if you recall on the heaviness of life's irony ..
A Jewel That In My Sence Is Not To Be Treated As Any Similar release
A Cover That Respects The Jewel Pack It Is Released In And Asks The On To Posses It To Take Care Of It As Of His-Her Own Breath
A masterpiece of synthetic compositions , finely engraved with fiery
black tenements by nostalgic costuming vocals. Guitars suit to fit, and
surely not in vain, easily guides one by the very first sentence of the
album to a distant place where arrogance is not met, but only stories
of lasting hope – the end.
Varnishing Sentimental Romantic And Sad, Then Well Defined Lyrics,
which with an absolute ease paint the whole pathway and flight the
listener will charge if you wish, of a mind like travel with the Blue
Birds That Refuse To Fly
Coherent Respect In The Receiving Sensors Of The Listener
Perhaps The Finest And Best Release In The First Half Of The Counting
Decade Of 2000 Coming Out Of
A Memory Before The Doors Open To Reveal Clouded Suns Outside
As the flames rise high like monsters outside.
At The Time That Airplanes Occupy The Lonely Looking Sky, Transport
Creators-Designers Of It This World From One Place To Another, Like Nervous thunder
a sentence of fear and a gesture of promise.. reminders spread on ones
ears, whilst the wings of the butterfly begin to reveal the essence of
their color
All The Things I’ve Said Are Idiotic, But Most … True
as After Dark brings back memories of the sisterhood while on the time of jihad..
Topographical distortions, an earthquake of emotions indifferently
right, silent and raw observing and in Pure discipline to the heartbeat
As all sounds turn to zero, when moist covers the faces of children sent to sleep outside
The weather will be cloudy
With the temperature 20 degrees celsius
With the probability of rainfall in high regions
After Dark Was Firstly Released On Synthpopavenue 2nd Collection as
Promo Issue, while by what it seems the future is but many new releases
of this band to hold..
the things that makes blue birds in this point a very clear group is
their clearly defined honesty in which they point their respect towards
the listener .... as the sway it brings reveals more and more in
Today Already In The Top Play Lists Across South Africa
Some Roads Can Take You Everywhere
-- a dialogue of insight
Fantastic Musical Sentences Driving On Over The Crossroads Of Time, And Mystical Approaches To The Denial Of Forgotten Lands
Play With Me
a track of controversial presence
as the clock is turning backwards eyelids ring a melancholic serenade
Illusion Fades Go Digital .. Romance and Beauty In Words Of Plain Certainty, And More Over Control...
As I Fall
-- and the dance goes on -- melancholic as freely composed choirs in
the gothic voice of George Dedes meet the inner impuissance of the
spirit and raise the essence of impatience. the glory of disarrangement
in a world that tends to choose deception
where dance raises lightly the load of consequence
and only tears of joy will come to meet
where rational monotony meets towers, posts, faith, dreams, pain and a
smell of naked broken feathers nostalgically (if needed to point)
awaiting one to bring by and old word, or simply and old answer to a
misplaced goodnight
in few native words:
vriskomaste gia allh mia fora mesa se mia nyxta
ta matia einai vamena me eyeliner
opoy oi rizes twn vamenwn malliwn den einai para TIMH
ekei opoy oi mpatsoi prepei na tromaxoyn
i politikh prepei na aposwpasei
oi geroi prepei na erwteytoyn pali tis adynamies toys
na anoixoyn gia allh mia fora tis palies toys disko8hkes
na 3eharvalwsoyn ta palia toys pick-up kai na koitaxoyn tis
antanaklaseis toy vinylioy ston toixo mesa apo thn aorath aenah troph
twn zwwn toys
katw stis sphlies, xamenoi aggeloi akoma stelnoyn shmata apo toys asyrmatoys poy toys varenan stis ateleiwtes poreies
i have learned to keep silent
I send for permission
To escape it all
In perfect freedom
With pride and trust
I sell my vision
But no one wants to buy
It's a waste of feelings
In total emptiness
I sell my vision
But no one wants to buy
It's a waste of feelings
In total emptiness
I deny the noise
I stand alone
I use my fears
And they use me
The End
A Marvelous Musical Representation Of The Balkanic Then Forceful
Sentimentality, Of The Human Presence In This Very Rigid Situation Of
Down leaning Humanity
This track seems as laid down to make call the many for followers all
across the globe and at the same moment to place Greek Musical Industry
In The Mind Of The Arrogant Many Sold Universal Reformers.
stepping on the same step on the same timeline as Laibach have just
released WAT (2004) , Blue Birds Refuse To Fly, Deny To Bypass It
i can say i have enjoyed this track least the most in balance to the
whole other album .. played it over and over again.. and stating my
point in this line or two, this track has held me back for more than 2
months in writing this review
.... you make your own impressions
….places one in awe
as only the rain remains
love seems like Prison
Love Like Prison
-- synth coding and more mature overall vocals as in the blend of BBRTF
a very compassionate song, reminding songs of those chosen by
fellowships in pride, by bards and where stories stay intact And
Poisons Are Powerless
and If I fall into silent darkness
I feel your eyes stealing my thoughts..
as the wind blows a single blue feather down hooded stairways..
a garden of crystals
a silent watcher blind
a group of nymphs in a lake still as ice
a symphonic breeze
a majestic seize
nevertheless though, weaknesses in the consistency of the album can be
sighted, as more over than all this album is wholly based on an era of
fierce emotional dropouts. In It’s Full Length, Anapterwma Might Find
Many Pieces Not To Actually Fit, As If Arguing Each One Another, and
(just maybe) will feel the sense of staying alone in the cold in
moments when certain parts of the track could, use a little more fire..
The fields right under the mountain tops though stand bright in their
holocaust, and should be taken into consideration before one is ready
to speak about any album nevertheless, it’s composition and cause etc.,
before taking into consideration the romantic wave it is based on, as
for the fire that devours it like some cement plastic, the wings of the
butterfly wont even touch him at all... perhaps that’s why it all
remains so invisible.. the current, the traumas the bright blue wing
laps and even perhaps the secret flights
This Completely New Sound To The Today Reality Of Summerland, Has Come back from where behind The Dusk Lies The Dawn
More Than Sure, Should We Be Expecting Something New Soon, And As Tall..
What Blind Men Should Be Listening To
What Dreams Might Arouse If The Leaves Weren’t So Dusty After All
What Devils Listen In Their Stone Carved Thrones Whilst Waiting For Another April Song
to some reactionaries , free will is too intertwined with Falling.