3 διαφορετικά EP από τους Get Well Soon και διασκευή έκπληξη..
3 διαφορετικά EP από τους Get Well Soon και διασκευή έκπληξη..
Για κανονικό άλμπουμ θα πρέπει να περιμένουμε λίγο ακόμα, αλλά οι Get Well Soon κυκλοφορούν αυτό το μήνα 3 ολοκαίνουρια EPs σε βινύλιο 10 ιντσών και σε ψηφιακή μορφή. Περισσότερο ιντριγκάρει για σχόλια η διασκευή στο Careless Whisper του George Michael που περιλαμβάνεται στο τρίτο κατά σειρά EP, αλλά να τα δούμε με τη σειρά, μαζί με τα σχόλια του ίδιου του Konstantin Gropper για το καθένα χωριστά:
THE LUFTHANSA HEIST. Κυκλοφορεί στις 7 Νοεμβρίου. "I don‘t know exactly, if has been an early midlife-crisis or a second puberty, a simple rush of nostalgia or an identity crisis that led to the question: Why did I start this in the first place? In any case it led me back to the music, that made me want to have a guitar and start a band. I think they used to call it College Rock. And I swear I started to have pimples again when I produced these songs."
The 4:3 Days
A Night At The Rififi-Bar
The Pope Washed My Feet In Prison
Sci-Fi Gulag
Staying Home
HENRY - THE INFINITE DESIRE OF HEINRICH ZEPPELIN ALFRED VON NULLMEYER. Κυκλοφορεί στις 14 Νοεμβρίου. "This one‘s a reverence to one of my favorite authors: Arnold Stadler. Or maybe it‘s a salute to his 60th birthday this year. Mostly his novel „Death and me, the two of us“ („Der Tod und ich, wir zwei“) has been accompanying and inspring me for quite a while now. These five songs are a musical hommage to this very romantic, dark, smart and funny book. Self-pitty, crooked biographies, fear of being alone, the ridiculousness of life and most of all the great longing. Just like in one of Stadler‘s most famous quotes: ,Once in this world and then like this.‘ I could go on forever about the content, but I‘d much rather recommend to read the novel. I also hope, this music will work on its own, too."
Age 14, Jumping Off The Parents' Mezzanine
Promenading Largo Maggiore, You Wouldn't Hold My Hand
Mail From Heidegger
You Will Be Taken Care Of
GREATEST HITS. Κυκλοφορεί στι 21 Νοεμβρίου και περιέχει διασκευές. "Cover versions have a bit of a tradition with Get Well Soon. This EP is just a small collection of songs that I wanted to reinterpret. It has been my long-standing plan to cover only superhits on one record (I thought, I‘d learn something), but somehow that got lost somewhere along the way. That‘s why there are only three superhits and three secret hits on thsi EP. These versions were developed for very different reasons and occasions over the years. I hope the selection is quite controversial."
Lucifer Rising II
Careless Whisper
Oh My Love
Always The Sun
Rocket Man
'Until I Die
Παραγγελίες για τους δίσκους μπορείτε να κάνετε εδώ. Παρακάτω ακούτε και βλέπετε το video για την διασκευή στο Careless Whisper και ένα ακόμα από το πρώτο EP.