Επιστρέφουν οι Gang Of Four με guest την Alison Mosshart
Error message
- Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$field_author_name in ipress_username() (line 123 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/sites/all/themes/ipress/template.php).
- Notice: Undefined index: und in include() (line 21 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/sites/all/themes/ipress/tpl/node--article.tpl.php).
- Notice: Undefined variable: comment_count in include() (line 21 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/sites/all/themes/ipress/tpl/node--article.tpl.php).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 391 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in eval() (line 13 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 391 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in eval() (line 13 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 391 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in eval() (line 13 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 391 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in eval() (line 13 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 391 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in eval() (line 13 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 175 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in DrupalDefaultEntityController->cacheGet() (line 391 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/includes/entity.inc).
- Notice: Trying to get property 'type' of non-object in eval() (line 13 of /var/www/vhosts/postwave.gr/httpdocs/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
Με μοναδικό εναπομείναντα από το original line-up τον Andy Gill, οι Gang Of Four ανακοίνωσαν καινούριο άλμπουμ με τίτλο 'What Happens Next' για τον Μάρτιο του 2015. Ο βασικός αυθεντικός τραγουδιστής Jon King αποχώρησε και αντικαταστάθηκε από τον John "Gaoler" Sterry, ενώ στη νέα του δουλειά το post punk συγκρότημα από το Leeds χρησιμοποιεί γνωστούς guests vocalists, όπως η Alison Mosshart (the Kills, Dead Weather) που τραγουδάει σε μερικά από τα τραγούδια και οι Herbert Grönemeyer και Robbie Furze (The Big Pink).
Ακούστε το Broken Talk με την Mosshart στα φωνητικά παρακάτω: